The Programme for Improvement of Rural Roads and Market Infrastructure in Western Kenya is co- funded by the Government of Kenya and the German Development Bank through their lending arm-KfW on 50-50 (GOK-KfW) basis. According to the Loan and Financing Agreement, particularly the Aide Memoir a total length of 355Km of continuous rural road network of rural road network is to be improved to maintainable gravel standards using Labour Based Technology within the focal areas of the programme.
The market component is being implemented under the Ministry of Agriculture while the Rural Roads Component is being implemented by The Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development through Kenya Rural Roads Authority -KeRRA. The Programme was designed to run for four (4) years from June 2012- August, 2016. The Loan and Financing Agreement is dated 14th December, 2009 while the Separate Agreement is dated 11th November, 2010. KfW has agreed to extend disbursement period to May, 2019.